Indonesia Leads International Forums Strengthening Global Collaboration for Achieving SDGs in Global Crisis

Aug 14, 2024


Press Release of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Usman Kansong. Usman said that Indonesia was once again trusted by the world to lead international forums through the High Level Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Forum (HLF-MSP) in Bali on 1-3 September 2024. The forum will be held concurrent with the Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) II.

Jakarta, 14/08/2024 – Indonesia is ready to host the High Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF-MSP) on September 1—3, 2024 in Bali. This international forum will be essential to strengthen cross-sector collaboration in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) amid the increasingly complex global challenges. This forum will also be held concurrent with the Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) II.

With the theme "Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Development: Towards a Transformative Change ", it is expected to be a strategic moment to encourage policy dialogue and strengthen the global commitment to sustainable development.

"This forum will bring together more than 1,000 participants, including 31 Heads of State/Government, high-level officials from various countries, international organizations, multilateral development banks, the private sector, civil society organizations, philanthropists, and academics," said the Director General of Public Information and Communication of the  Ministry of Communications and Informatics Usman Kansong, in Jakarta Wednesday (Aug 14).

Global Challenges and the Importance of Collaboration

In the course of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, achieving the SDG targets is still far from expected. To date, only 15% of the targets are on track, while many other targets are going in reverse, and more than half of the world's population is at risk of being left behind.

The wake of various intertwining global crises, or what is known as polycrises, such as pandemic, social inequalities, geopolitical tensions, extreme poverty, financial crises, supply chain disruptions, and even environmental crises, emphasizes the necessity  for reformed and stronger global governance. "Amid these multidimensional challenges, inclusive and transformative partnerships are a crucial solution," added Usman.

This partnership needs to be supported by a spirit of equality in relations between developed and developing countries and the fulfillment of rights to development, which are the legacies of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955.

Forum Agenda and Focus

This high-level forum will present various important sessions, including:

  1. Joint Session: the official opening of the event, presided over by the President of Indonesia. The session will be attended by distinguished guests, including Head of States/Governments, invited to deliver their National Statements.
  2. High-Level Plenary Session: a high-level panel discussion involving multiple stakeholders to address the theme of unlocking the potentials of the global south through multi-stakeholders partnerships
  3. Thematic Parallel Session: a series of 12 panel moderated discussions exploring each sub-themes.
  4. Side Events: a series of 16 side-event sessions organized by various stakeholders.
  5. Bilateral Meetings: facilitation of over 50 bilateral meetings between participating countries.
  6. Exhibition: facilitation of promotional booths for private companies, state-owned enterprises, development partners, and others.
  7. Cultural Event: an event to promote Indonesian culture and cuisine, while also providing networking opportunities for HLF MSP participants.
  8. Gala Dinner: a grand gala dinner hosted in collaboration with Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) II for Head of States/Governments attendees.

The objectives of the HLF-MSP 2024 are to encourage policy dialogues, enhance commitment to global development through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships, and ensure the sustainability of development financing.

"This forum will also identify success factors, best practices, and lessons learned from ithe implementation of multi-stakeholder partnerships in various countries, which are expected to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs," said Usman Kansong.

Indonesia's Strategic Role in the International Stage

Previously, the Director of Foreign Policy and International Development Cooperation at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Hendra Prabandani, had also emphasized the importance of this forum in the global context, especially for Indonesia. "This forum is important for Indonesia in collaborating with countries in South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC), as well as strengthening its leadership position in the international arena," explained Hendra.

In the middle of a complex global crisis due to political tensions between Russia and Ukraine, declining trust between countries in multilateral cooperation, and the widening development gap between Southern and Northern countries, HLF-MSP 2024 opens up opportunities for Indonesia to strengthen its position as a bridge for developing countries in sharing knowledge and best practices.

The government, through the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, also invites all parties to participate actively in this forum. Support from various groups, including development actors, the private sector, academics, and civil society, is highly expected to achieve the common goal of creating a better and more sustainable world.

As a main outcome, this high-level forum will produce a "chair's summary" summarizing ideas and recommendations from the discussion, which is expected to catalyze collective efforts toward a more inclusive and sustainable global transformation. (TR/Elvira Inda Sari/EL/PR)


For more information, please contact:

Head of the Bureau of Public Relations, Archives, and Leadership Administration, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) - Ardian Budhi Nugroho (082124150454)

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