Highlights of Agreements reached Upon at High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) and 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF)

Sep 04, 2024


Article of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Photo:  President Joko Widodo (front and center) and President-elect Prabowo Subianto (right fifth, front row) posed for a photo with several heads of state/government at HLF MSP and 2nd IAF Joint Leaders' Session in Nusa Dua, Bali, Monday 2/9/2024 (Source: Media Center IAF II-HLF MSP/Sigid Kurniawa/YU)

The Government of Indonesia is proud to report the successful convention of the joint High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) and the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF). The two events were organized through great collaboration, at Nusa Dua, Bali, from 1–3 September, 2024.

The HLF MSP, initiated by the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency, and the 2nd IAF, conceived by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have resulted in several long-term agreements of significant value. Notably, Indonesia has secured 32 new business partnerships, amounting to a total value of exceeding US$3.5 billion.

Key agreements reached in the HLF MSP 2024 encompass:

  1. A decade-long partnership with the Solomon Islands has reached a new milestone. Indonesia has proposed the establishment of a medical school to address the country’s critical shortage of healthcare professionals.

  2. A bilateral agreement has been signed for the sale of N219 aircraft manufactured by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  3. Congo is to send its delegation to learn about Indonesia's advancements.

  4. A focus on economic and development cooperation, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The South-South Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) will adopt a new platform that is more trade and investment-oriented.

Contributing to this success, several significant achievements were made at the 2nd IAF, as follows:

1. The signing of three (3) business agreements on the strategic industry sector.

  1. The signing of an MoU between PT Pindad of Indonesia and Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM) of South Africa on the supply of strategic industrial products. 

  2. The signing of an MoU between PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on the supply of CN235 and N219 aircrafts for Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

  3. In Senegal, PT DI has further strengthened its partnership with the Senegalese Air Force. Previously, Senegal purchased three CN-235 aircrafts in 2011.

2.  Agreements in health business sectors.

  1. The signing of MoU between Indonesia and Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, and Namibia.

  2. Indonesia, represented by its state-owned pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma (Persero), has entered into a strategic collaborative agreement with Zimbabwe and Ghana. 

  3. In parallel, in Ghana, Bio Farma will undertake technology transfer with Atlantic Life Sciences, encompassing staff training from Ghana in Bandung and the shipment of bulk Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).

  4. Furthermore, Bio Farma is broadening its scope of cooperation to include Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. In Kenya, a Master Agreement has been signed to facilitate a technology transfer collaboration with the Kenya Biovax Institute.

  5. In Nigeria, Bio Farma  has secured a partnership involving the supply of TD (Tetanus Diphtheria) and measles vaccines to the Nigerian government, alongside a technology transfer agreement with BVNL Nigeria for vaccine production. Meanwhile, in Uganda, a Sales Agreement has been signed for the marketing of pharmaceutical products, with projected sales commencing in 2026 or 2027.

  6. In addition, PT Dexa Medica marked its inaugural pharmaceutical export to Tanzania in 2023. The company projects export earnings of US$2.5-3 million over the next three years. Separately, PT Triton Manufactures has won a contract to supply syringes to South Africa. Moreover, PT Pertiwi Agung (Mensa Group) has successfully signed a purchase agreement for instant energy drinks in Namibia.

3. Agreements across renewable energy (RE) business sectors. 

  1.  PT Pertamina Training & Consulting (PTC) and Petrofound Namibia are set to formalize their partnership with the signing of a training contract at the Integrated Drilling Training Center (IDTC) in Indonesia.

  2. Through a partnership with Tanzania, PT Pertamina has secured a 60% stake in the Mnazi Bay gas block, previously held by Wentworth Resources.

  3. PT PLN has also entered into a geothermal energy development partnership with Tanesco and the Tanzania Geothermal Development Company (TGDC), targeting a development capacity of 225 MW in the Natron, Luhoi, and Ngozi fields.

  4. Tanesco has conducted a visit to PT PLN to explore the potential for geothermal energy development in Indonesia.

  5. Private sector companies have also successfully forged partnerships with African businesses. A notable example is the collaboration between PT Energi Mega Persada (EMP) and Vutomi Energy on a 500 megawatt Independent Power Plant (IPP) commercialization project.

Beyond the agreements between Indonesia and African countries, the 2nd IAF also served as a platform to facilitate agreements among African nations.

The successful hosting of these two international events in Indonesia is expected to contribute to the advancement of Global South countries, anchored in the spirit of collaboration, equality, and global solidarity, as the world navigates through a complex and interconnected crisis.
