HLF MSP and 2nd IAF, Driving Force to Accelerate SDGs Achievement

Aug 31, 2024


Article of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Illustration of Cooperation and Partnership (Source: miniartkur, Shutterstock)

Following the successful organization of the G20 Summit in 2022 and ASEAN Summit in 2023, Indonesia once again has the opportunity to host international meetings.

This year, Indonesia is hosting the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) to be held in Bali, on 1–3 September 2024.

The High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships carries the theme "Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Towards a Transformative Change." Through this theme, the forum is aimed to strengthen the solidarity of inclusive and innovative partnerships in facing global challenges and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2030.

As for Indonesia, the SDGs are in line with the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision, allowed to be achieved through, among other, innovative and transformative multi-stakeholder partnerships.

The 2024 HLF MSP is designed to focus on the discussions of three core pillars. First, Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Strengthening South-South and Triangular Cooperation, namely cross-country partnerships that strengthens South-South and Triangular cooperation to create joint solutions in facing global challenges.

Second, Enhancing Welfare and Sustainability through Sustainable Economy, that is formulating collaborative strategies to improve prosperity and sustainability through a sustainable economy by emphasizing the importance of environmental integration in economic development.

Third, Advancing Development through Innovative Financing, encouraging development through innovative financing, which is the key to effectively achieving sustainable development goal.

Indonesia-Africa Forum

In concurrent with the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) on 1–3 September 2024, the Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) will also be held for the 2nd time. The 2nd IAF event is planned to be attended by several heads of state from the African continent, and will also be attended by government officials, partners and invited guests from African countries.

Indonesia and Africa have had strong historical ties for a long time. The Asian-African Conference (AAC) on 18–25 April 1955 was a major milestone for the awakening of the Asian and African countries.

The  AAC which took place in Bandung, West Java, 69 years ago, has become not only a forum that brought together the leaders of countries in Asia and Africa, but also a symbol of awakening and unity between two continents, Asia and Africa, which are rich in history and culture.

Therefore, the 2nd IAF in 2024, carries the theme Bandung Spirit for Africa's Agenda 2063. Carrying This theme, the forum is expected to produce concrete steps based on the spirit of the 1955 Asian-African Conference.

Carrying that theme, the 2nd IAF will focus on issues related to economic transformation, energy and mining, food, health security, and development cooperation. This year's theme is also an important milestone to continue fueling the spirit of the 1955 AAC in responding to various global challenges such as conflict, economic decline, and climate change.

The 2nd IAF is a collaboration for Indonesia and African countries to strengthen bilateral relations, to formulate strategic steps and as joint efforts in facing the increasingly complex global challenges nowadays and in the future as well.

Reporting from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Pahala Nugraha Mansury, stated that the 2nd IAF is not only related to ideas, but also to real actions that produce results.

Priority sectors that are the main focus of the forum include economic transformation, energy and mining, food security, health, and development cooperation.

"For the private sector and state-owned companies, it is estimated that there will be agreements with a value of up to US$3.5 billion or around Rp58 trillion. We hope that this forum will not only discuss plans to build cooperation between Indonesia and Africa, but also produce concrete plans, considering the large potential that can be developed between the two," he said, Thursday (29/8/2024) in Jakarta.
